Saturday, February 8, 2014

100th Day Postcard Project!

One of the things I love about social media is the great ideas you get from other teachers! While planning for the 100th day of school, I stumbled across a post from a teacher requesting 100 postcards for her students for their 100th day of school. I messaged this teacher and asked if I could join in on her fun idea! She thankfully shared the love, and her brilliant idea made our 100th day so special! (Thanks Mrs. Austin!)

Here's how the 100th Day Postcard Project worked in my classroom:

First, I e-mailed my family, colleagues, students' parents, and facebook friends asking them to send our class a postcard for the 100th day of school. The postcard could be from anywhere around the country or world. Next, I wrote a post on several teacher pages asking fellow teachers to send our classroom a postcard from theirs. The response was overwhelming and I was so overjoyed that we received 113 postcards from around the country! I left all of the postcards in a manila envelope and surprised my kiddos with them on our 100th day of school. We've been studying geography and this project served as a great culminating activity. We used the book, The Scrambled States of America to locate where our postcard came from!

Some of our postcards

After the 100th day of school, I displayed some of our postcards on a map. I left the rest of them in our classroom for my students to look at and read. 

Some of my favorite postcards:

 Thank you Ms. Paula from Right Road Kids!

 My sweet friend from high school, Hannah!

My friend's mom rallied a lot of postcard for us! Thank you Jenn and Mrs. Berry!

Thank you, Dana! This teacher adores your blog! 

Our class favorite was a postcard from England! My kiddos were so excited about the royal mail stamp! At first, they thought it was from the Queen! ;)

Thank you Ms. Hand's 3rd Grade class! We cannot wait to write you back!

A HUGE thank you again to Mrs. Austin for this fun 100th day activity! This project made so many wonderful memories for my students! I think it will become a 100th day tradition! 

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Theresa! Thanks for letting me be a part of such a fun activity! Glad you guys had a fabulous 100th day!!!

